with Pastor Smith

With Pastor Smith.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Things I Have Learned About Pharisees:

 1. They still exist today, and many call themselves Christians. 

2. They have an orthodox view of the Bible.

3. Jesus condemned them more than any other group.

4. They place themselves in seats of authority and usurp God’s authority. 

5. They know the law in their heads, but do not love God in their hearts.

6. They say and do not do. 

7. They are actors pretending to be something they are not.

8. They are always willing to make your life harder, but never care to make it easier.

9. They do not help.

10. Their good works are done to be seen by men.

11. They reject Christ.

12. They outwardly appear to accept Biblical authority, but inwardly reject all authority but their own. 

13. They are the Devils magnum opus.

14. They have a false relationship with Gods Words, because they do not have a real relationship with a personal God.

15. They lead from a place of pride, and reject servant leadership.

16. Their heart is full of pride.

17. They never apologize or admit fault, but they expect others to grovel around them. 

18. They do not understand love.

19. Their false truth can only keep people from God. It lacks the power needed to bring people to God.

20. They act the holiest in public, but commit the worst type of sins in private.

21. They possess tremendous energy without truth. Their zeal only leads to more judgment.

22. They do not believe deception is wrong, only getting caught breaking the letter of the law.

23. When they strike they strike fast. 

24. They are dead in their souls.

25. They ignore the more important things (love, kindness, justice, mercy, faith, compassion) 

26. They are proud of keeping all of the little standards (Dress, traditions of men, worship preferences.)

27. They are shallow, superficial and all about appearances.

28. They are unconcerned with an inward relationship with God. 

29. They are attracted to narcissistic leaders.

30. They are wicked sinners in their hearts and mask this by dressing up their outward appearance.

31. They go to great lengths to look as though they are winning. 

32. They prey on your assumption that they are holy.

33. They genuinely believe they are standing shoulder to shoulder with the prophets, but they are not.

34. They are actually standing shoulder to shoulder with the men who killed the prophets.

35. They are the Devils children and like him they lie.

36. They will destroy anyone who: stands in the way of them getting what they want, opposes their pride, challenges their power. 

37. They will make you their proselyte. 

38. Their religion is spiritual poison.

39. They go to great lengths to find people searching for hope and trick them into taking spiritual poison.

40. They disguise themselves very effectively. 

41. They appear to be winning but are actually losing. 

42. Their religion is a hard taskmaster, unloving, relentless

43. They live for the praise of men.

44. They have a preoccupation with the small things of religion. 

45. They deal mostly with externals.

50. They rally around worldly issues (politics, culture, family.)

51. They are obsessed with authority.

52. They revere only what is dead. (Dead style, dead music, dead people.)

53. They like dead things because they are dead spiritually. 

54. True spiritual life makes them uncomfortable. 

56. They lie, gossip, and slander their fellow man under the cover of religion.

57. They are control freaks. 

58. They rationalize their sin as for the greater good of religion.

59. They will destroy your family, children, marriage, reputation, friendships, mental health and basically anything else they touch.

60. They group together.

61. They use their religion as a weapon to control other people.

62. They weaponize weakness.

63.  Are easily and often offended, but rarely are concerned with offending others.

64. Assume dishonest intent in others.

65. What they can not get by flattery they will take by force.

66. Force others to live under the tyranny of the weaker brother.

67. They honestly believe the rules do not apply to them.

68. Their is no amount of evidence that can convince them of who they are. 

69. They are fully confident that they are going to Heaven.

70. Even though many of them believe they are saved. The end result of their lives will be judgment and fearful condemnation.