with Pastor Smith

With Pastor Smith.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

One Last Meal

If you knew you could have one last meal, what would it be? Who would invite? What kind of food would you eat? What kind of atmosphere would you want? What would you say? And whom would you tell it? 

John, the author of the Gospel of John, is writing to early Christians, and he is recording the choices Jesus made for his last meal. The meal was Passover, a Jewish celebration meal that dated back to the night before the children of Israel's Exodus out of Egypt. Present with Jesus were his closest disciples, his friends. They had spent nearly three years together and walked over 3,125 miles of dusty roads working together to fulfill Jesus' ministry. There is a banquet room atop someone's house in Jerusalem; the group sat around a table. The band of misfits, unlikely converts, simple fishermen, and educated elites observed, looking for signs of what would come next for them and Jesus. 

Jesus did not disappoint. What He did next revealed to them powerfully just who He was. You must understand what Jesus did next to realize who Jesus was. 

For his last meal, Jesus chose to eat with His friends. He decided to celebrate the Passover God's miraculous deliverance from bondage. He decided to use this meal to show His followers just precisely who He was.

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